Name : Nikky
Age : 23
Location : Charllote/New York/U.S.A
Date of Birth : 27.01.1986 Bucharest/Romania
Favourite Events/Cars : Touring Cars,F-3000,Japan (all)
PC Configuration : Intel Dual Core 2,6 Ghz - Corssfire 4670 - 4 Gb RAM DDR2 800 Mhz
Favourite Music : House (Full Bass)
Name : Elvin
Age : 32
Location : Tg-Jiu/Romania
Date of Birth : 07.01.1977 Sighisoara/Mures/Romania
Favourite Events : GT1,Aston vs Chevy,Nissan,Jun Street,Derby :D
PC Configuration : Sempron 1,6 Ghz - ATI 2600 PRO - 1,5 Ghz DDR1 400 Mhz
Favourite Music : Metal(Gothic,Doom,Heavy)